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Real Causes and Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn


Many people suffer from acid reflux. What is Acid Reflux? It is when an abnormal reflux of stomach contents cause chronic symptoms or mucosal damage — this is exasperated by very strong stomach acid. Pain and discomfort, and maybe even tissue damage, is caused by the contents of the gastric region being pushed into the esophagus.
Many times acid reflux is a physical problem wherein the lower esophageal sphincter does not hold in what’s in the stomach effectively. There are other cases when a hiatal hernia is the factor. Sufferers of acid reflux commonly complain of heartburn as the main symptom of the condition. Heartburn is a pain around the breastbone that feels like it is burning or stinging. Some report other symptoms like difficulty swallowing and even changes in the mucosal linings of the throat. The worst cases report development of ulcers or scarring in the esophagus.
The common ways to diagnose the condition is by giving patients a barium mixture. When they drink this it will show the esophagus, stomach and sphincters to determine a treatment that will be effective for them.
There are times when an endoscopy will be the better way to go in order to diagnose the condition. They use it to examine the afflicted areas and patients are sedated during the procedure.
When you discover you have it and your doctor discusses a treatment for you there are numerous types of foods to avoid and that can help make the treatment more effective. If you avoid these types of food you will be in better shape: acidic, fatty, and spicy food, coffee, alcohol and Vitamin C can stimulate a reaction. If you must consume these kinds of food it is better to do it after you do some type of activity like exercising. The worst thing you can do is eat them before bed.
Some more foods to remember to avoid or limit are chocolate, peppermint, cabbage, onions, Brussel sprouts and milk or dairy items. These are all stimulants of acid reflux.
Some home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn include, consuming smaller meals and more water, and elevating your head when you’re sleeping help to cope with and manage acid reflux and the symptoms of it. There are numerous medications to treat heartburn on the market but those are only temporary solutions. It is strongly advised you treat the conditions instead of temporarily relieving them. By avoiding foods and drinking more water it can relieve you of the symptoms for the long run, because while medications help the problem will just keep coming back without affirmative action.
So why don’t we work together and make our bodies better by taking in foods that help us and shunning the ones that worsen a condition. By eating healthier and making better choices you can make a significant difference in your condition no matter how severe the problem is.

The post Real Causes and Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn appeared first on Male Health Club.

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